Recent trends in Yogic therapy :
Spiritual Perspective.
Dr. B.K. Upadhyay, IPS.
The basic purpose of Yoga is to create a sense of oneness in the psyche of human beings. This purpose is obtained by initially freeing the mind from distractions and ultimately merging it in the cosmic consciousness. This journey of Yoga passes through different stages of evolution. First, it starts with the body and creates harmony between the body and the mind. The harmonic relation between the body and the mind facilitates the better co-ordination among emotional, intellectual and spiritual aspects of human personality. Thus, physical, mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual aspects of human personality are harmoniously linked together, leading to a holistic personality which identifies itself with the whole universe. A sense of unbroken unity and interconnectedness is the hallmark of such a personality. This is a yogic personality. A yogic personality is free from diseases, both physical and mental.
Yogic texts state that diseases are the result of the disturbed energy flow in the body. The disturbance of energy flow leads to the disharmony in the functional mechanism of human personality. When this energy flow is restored either by medicine, exercise or otherwise, health is
maintained. Thus any therapy works on the principle of the restoration of bio-energy.
Although the ultimate aim of yoga is to lead to liberation from the clutches of worldly cycles, it has emerged as a very safe and effective therapy for preventing and curing all ailments. Yogic therapy is fundamentally spiritual in nature because it does not depend upon any outside resource. It is the therapy of innerself. By regenerating our inner energy, it repairs our psycho-physical mechanism and restores health. It trains our mind to go inside and conserve our bio-energy. Yogic therapy is based upon the inward journey of our consciousness. Yogic therapy harnesses the power of mind to prevent and cure diseases.
Yoga treats human body as a microcosm of the universe. So the individual consciousness is always interlinked with universal or cosmic consciousness. But our ignorance comes as an obstacle between individual and universal consciousness. As a result we treat ourselves as limited entities with limited energy and consciousness. But yoga removes this lid of ignorance and we find our consciousness inseparably united with infinite and all encompassing consciousness of the
cosmos. Yogic therapy enables us to draw energy from the infinite energy ocean of the universe. As a result diseases get healed and well-being is reinforced.
Recent advances in medical science have proved that mind plays a very dominant role in the healing process of diseases. The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. So the positive thought vibrations attract the some positive cosmic energy. Thus, the spiritual perspective of any therapy cannot be overemphasised.
Yoga experts of ancient times had already recognized this spiritual perspective in the healing process of ailment. In his yoga Sutras Bhagawan Patanjali has beautifully described the spiritual aspect of prevention and cure of diseases. He talks of Vritti (modification), Antaraya (Obstacle), Klesha (Suffering) and Vitarka (evil tendencies and actions). Vritti or modification of mind is controlled by establishing consciousness in pure form. When consciousness goes inside, obstacles disappear. Suffering is silenced through mediation and Vitarka is to be countered by contemplation of their opposite. Vritti, Antaraya, Klesh and Vitarka are root cause of all types of diseases. By inwardization of consciousness and cultivation of positive thoughts diseases are prevented and cured.
A number of yoga institutes in India and abroad are doing a pioneer work in this regard. Kaivalyadham is one of them. Millions of people have benefitted from the yogic therapy being provided by this premier yoga institute. Here diseases are cured and health is restored not by doses of medicine, but by invoking innate creative and regenerative power of consciousness that is spiritual in nature.
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